德国摄影师 Menno Aden 拍摄了一系列柏林房间内的景象,其采用的角度非常特别,从屋顶天花板向下拍摄,也就是我们俗称的一点透视效果。Menno Aden拍摄的内容多样,包括酒吧、教室、鞋店、超市、公寓甚至包括停车库。
German photographer Menno Aden has shot a series of Berlin interiors from an unconventional viewpoint: looking down from the ceiling.
The Room Portraits include a bar, a classroom, a shoe shop, a supermarket, a car park and an apartment.
In each instance the camera was positioned in the centre of the ceiling to create an image that appears flattened and abstracted.
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