Diesel 第二弹: Be stupid again(最新)


























     意大利知名时装品牌DIESEL 2010年春夏广告的主题是“Be Stupid”。自去年9月,DIESEL将创意业务交给了英国的广告公司Anomaly后,这算是是Anomaly为DIESEL推出的第一波作品,但依旧秉承了DIESEL一贯天马行空的广告风格,并加入了耐人寻味的哲理在其中。
  在多广告作品中,DIESEL用不同的主题阐述了“愚蠢”带给人的最单纯的感悟。每副充满故事性的作品都在告诉人们一个同样的道理:保持一颗 “愚蠢”的心,你将能够感受到更多。文案与画面的搭配也恰到好处--虽然广告的主题是“BESTUPID”,但每个聪明的人在看过之后,相信都会发出会心的一笑。

Anomaly is launching its first work for Diesel, a campaign that encourages consumers to “be stupid”. Diesel consolidated its global advertising account into Anomaly in September. The campaign, entitled be stupid, was devised in collaboration with Diesel’s creative team, and encompasses press, outdoor, digital and viral activity.

Like balloons, we are filled with hopes and dreams
But. Over time a single sentence creeps into our lives

Dont be stupid.

Its the crusher of possibility.
Its the worlds greatest deflator.

The world is full of smart people.
Doing all kind of smart things…
Thats smart.

were with stupid.

Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life.
Smart may have the brains…
but stupid has the balls.

The smart might recognize
things for how they are.
The stupid see things for how they could be.

Smart critiques.
Stupid creates.

The fact is
if we didnt have stupid thoughts
wed have no interesting thoughts at all

Smart may have the plans…
but stupid has the stories.

Smart may have the authority
but stupid has one hell of a hangover

Its not smart to take risks…
Its stupid.

To be stupid
is to be brave

The stupid isnt afraid to fail.
The stupid know there are worse things than failure…
like not even trying.

Smart had one good idea,
and that idea was stupid.

You cant outsmart stupid.
So dont even try.

only stupid can be truly


Advertising Agency: Anomaly, London, United Kingdom

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