Nissan Qashqai尼桑 逍客: Window, Clothes







“Qashqai. Urbanproof.”

In the cities that seem more crowded and tougher than ever, each day is a battle for a parking spot or a minute less in your delay. Nissan Qashqai is the perfect car to confront the urban jungle – as the true crossover, it perfectly combines the capabilities of an off-road, 4×4 car, with the intuitive but long crafted city skills offered by a compact car. We valued the concept – “urban adventure” – through a series of layouts that pays a compliment to our target’s intelligence: only one detail reveals that it’s actually an urban landscape (a lighted window or washed clothes for air dry).

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Bucharest, Romania
Creative Director: Razvan Capanescu
Art Director: Cristian Costea
Copywriter: Carmen Dobrescu
Digital Artist: Cristian Costea
Published: March, 2010



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