【Fink Different】TOPYS专访奥美中国首席创意长樊克明Graham Fink

采访、整理/桃红小闪电 VIVI @顶尖文案TOPYS 




他创办The Art School,为广告、设计以及电影行业培养优秀的年轻人才。


两年后,TOPYS独家专访,与你一起见识英伦“创意巫师”Graham Fink的鬼才神话。

About Creative Thinking


Topys:Earlier in the D-Talk from ADC exhibition, you mentioned about 'FINK (think) DIFFERENT'. What does ‘THINK DIFFERENT mean to you? Can you tell us more about your way of creative thinking? 

Topys前不久深圳的ADC展览的D-Talk中,你提到'FINK(think)DIFFERENT', 请问你如何理解Think Different?和我们聊聊创意狂人的创意思维方式。 

FinkThinking different is about looking at the same things as everyone else and seeing them in a different way. As an example when Picasso looked at a bicycle, he saw a bull.

Fink:Think different 的意思就是要跟别人看同一件事物却得到不一样的看法。其中一个有名的例子就是一辆普通的自行车在毕加索眼中却看成是一头牛。

Topys “Innovation is to see what the others couldn’t when looking in the same thing”. How can we train and achieve this ability?

Topys “从同一件事物中,看到别人看不到的东西,这就是创新。”如何培养和达成这样的创新能力?

FinkThere are many techniques that I can teach people. One is to do exactly the opposite to what you should be doing. This is great when trying to come up with new ideas. Do what is wrong. Be ridiculous. It can be a lot of fun and will break your thinking away from the norm. You need to be brave though. You can then always bend the idea back to something that is usuable,but the fact you have tried something different will lead to new ideas.
TopysHaving been an educator, photographer, TV director, and now a CCO, what experiences do these different roles bring to you? Do you think these experiences make impact on your creative thinking?

FinkEvery role has been very rewarding for me. I have learnt so much from each of them. As a filmmaker I learnt a lot about story-telling and how to re-edit those storys into new ones. I learnt about the craft of film and also photography, which lenses to use to get the best out of a shot. Different film stocks, digital, lighting and pacing. The craft in film-making is less important than the story but if you want people to be more involved in the story you need to make it look beautiful.
Being a CCO allows me to use those things give learnt and use them in solving problems. For instance if a client wants a film produced for their product, I have a better idea of how it can be made and the best ways to make it. How long the idea needs on screen to make it work. I can also judge scripts better on paper now because I can see the finished film in my minds eye. As a teacher I am really just passing what I have learnt onto others. I find teaching very rewarding because in a way you are teaching yourself.
TopysCan you share with us some of your favourite work/ projects and tell us why you like them?
FinkA very early commercial I did for British Airways has always been a favourite of mine. It involved making shapes out of hundreds of people when viewed from the air. An eye ,a pair of lips, an ear.. they all came together to make a face. Over 1500 people were used in the making of the ad. Directed by British director Hugh Hudson.
A more recent piece of work that I was very proud to be part of was the project for Soho China’s Soho Galaxy. Where we created the myth that the Chinese were the first to send a monkey into space. We then ‘brought him back to earth’ to talk about creativity.
Fink很早期的时候我为英国航空公司做的一个广告一直是我最喜欢的。摄影机在高空中拍摄由上百人拼在一起组成的眼睛、嘴唇、和耳朵。整个广告用了1500人,由英国导演Hugh Hudson执导。


TopysIn your opinion, what role does copywriter play in the creative thinking process?
FinkA copywriter is a very important part of the process. Often they need to work with the planner to get the best brief possible. A write should play a big part in the strategic thinking in my view. And should be capable of making a very complicated data and long briefing sessions into something very simple and memorable.
TopysYou have labeled yourself as ‘the wizard of creativity’ in your weibo account, which is rather British. Do you mind sharing with us in what ways has British culture influenced your way of thinking? Also, do you find any new inspirations when the British culture meets the Chinese culture?
FinkThat’s a very big question and my answers are too long to go into detail here. But I would say that living in the UK all of my life until I came to China has had a big effect on me. The humour in the UK is very different to start with. It’s much more subtle, and the British have a way of taking the mickey out of themselves, they are always laughing at themselves. We tend to go straight to the point too and say exactly what we think. So of course there is a big difference there. But I think mixing up cultures is when a lot of creativity happens. Working with people in China I find very exciting. We can look at things from different perspectives but because we are in the same room doing it, you can get unique results. I am interested in Chinese culture and taking local insights and then really expanding them into something that will appeal to people worldwide.
About Creative Management

TopysWhat are the daily tasks for a CCO?
FinkIts like spinning plates. Doing many tasks and keeping them all going. Solving clients problems and helping to run the agency. On a media front things are changing constantly and I try to keep up with that too and see how creatively we can make a difference. I think an agency should keep reinventing itself whilst staying true to its core values.
TopysCan you tell us what is so unique about O&M’s way of creative thinking and its management?
FinkWe are a big agency and also have a very large network which is great because we can help each other out at times. We also have the luxury of having many specialist talents all under one roof on a wide range of disciplines. For example we have Ogilvy PR ,Ogilvy One, Ogilvy Fashion and Ogilvy Action as well as the main agency. We often sit together and brainstorm. I find some of these sessions very exciting creatively as everyone has a different kind of brain and can approach a problem from a different point of view.
Fink我们是一家拥有庞大的网络的大机构,有需要的时候可以互相帮助,这很不错。我们也很荣幸能够在麾下招募了来自不同领域的专家和人才 。除了主要的广告公司之外,在同一个机构下我们也有奥美公关、奥美互动、奥美时尚以及奥美行动。我们经常坐下来一起进行脑力激荡,我觉得有些这样的讨论在创意上还是很让人兴奋的 ,因为每个人都有独特的思考模式,可以用不同的观点去处理问题。
TopysDavid Ogilvy once said in “Confessions of an Advertising man” that ad men should never underestimate the IQ of the consumers. However, compared with other countries, Ogilvy does not seem to produce works that are as surprising here in China, for example, like the dramatic tensions in P&G ads, or the Aesthetics shown in MG Masks ads. Although we should not doubt the creativity of the ad men in China, but can we account this situation for that the audience in China is not mature enough?  
FinkI think the creative work in China has a long way to go to catch up with the West. Although it is catching fast. JWT won China’s first ever Grand Prix in Cannes two years ago for Samsonite and we won Ogilvy Asia’s first ever Grand Prix the following year for CokeHands. The hard thing is to be consistent and building brands requires a great relationship with clients so you can push for better work. I think we need to work much harder at this and try to develop more surprising ideas. Another problem in China is the size of the country.
I heard Millward Brown say that what works in one province only has a 52% chance of working in another. So it’s not an easy fix.
However I am a great believer that creativity can solve everything. I am always looking for talented people to come and work with me and of course brave clients who want to try something different and make a name for themselves.
TopysWhat kinds of people are O&M looking for? What characteristics are needed in order to get to work in O&M?
FinkThe Creative department is a bit like a squad of football players. You need your dependable defenders so when the going gets really tough these guys can come in a fix things quickly. You need a great midfield to keep the game/agency going and the work flowing. Then there are your strikers. The ones who can score goals, do amazing breakthrough ads and win awards. You also need a few mavericks who can turn a game on it's head with just one spectacular volley. These people may not always be the easiest to work with they are worth their weight in gold on occasions.
I am always looking for hardworking people with a  great attitude. People who want to change the world. Who want to make a difference to the agency.
Fink创意部门其实有点像一支足球队。你需要可靠的后卫,他们要能够在工作遇到困难的时候迅速解围 ;你也需要优秀的中场去确保比赛/公司一切都运行顺畅;然后就是一些一流的前锋,能够去得分,去做突破性的作品,去赢得奖项;最后你需要一些特立独行的队员,能够一矢中的地把大局扭转。虽然这些人可能都不是最易共事的同事,但在某些场合他们就会证明自己的价值。我一直都在寻找勤奋、有杰出工作态度、希望改变世界、为公司带来影响力的人。
TopysWhat did you gain most in these two years working in O&M? Any new plans on work recently?
FinkI have learnt great deal. Especially about the culture of the agency and it’s people. Learnt also when to speak or keep my mouth shut.
Who to call on when things get difficult. And of course I now have a better understanding of what works in China or not.
I see the country changing fast around me so it’s important to keep up ‘creatively fit’.  I read somewhere that the English rugby team did eyeball training so I have been working on that too.

The Main Trends 

TopysRecently, a mode of business called “small-scale yet professional” is very popular in the advertising industry. How do you think of that?
FinkI think for certain clients this can obviously work. Yet I think it's possible to be big and small and the same time. We have recently restructured our creative department as a result, so we can work with large groups of specialists and teams on big corporate briefs and also work  like Ninja’s on others. We try to have a tailor made solution for every client.
TopysHow do you think a creative could change about the society?
FinkThe tools we use in advertising are very powerful. We have the ability to change the way people behave or think. This is well documented.
I believe that what we produce becomes part of our culture. So I think it’s wrong to put bad ads out there.
Surely we have a duty to make our society better. China doesn’t need another bad car ad or badly designed poster or poorly laid out website. We need to make things look beautiful, or surprising, or making people laugh. I want people to remember our creativity and talk about it. Share it with others and delight in it.
Both us and our clients have a responsibility here.
TopysCan you give some suggestions to the new-comers for this industry?
FinkGet in early. Work hard. Do it because you love it not because you are paid for it. Surprise me.

Graham Fink的职业生涯从装扮成一个老年人开始。当时他在正应征伦敦顶级创意商CDP的一份工作,并被告知他们需要一个经验较丰富的人。于是他第二天打扮得比实际年龄成熟一二十岁的样子再次造访了这家公司。他们最终雇佣了他。
1995年,他为伦敦最成功的电影公司Paul Weiland Film Company导演一系列的广告片和音乐电视。
2001年,他创立了自己的公司- thefinktank,一个概念性的专门制作音乐电视和商业广告片的制作公司。以及创办了The Art School (很多人称它为英国最激进的艺术殿堂)来为广告、设计以及电影行业培养优秀的年轻人才。他的作品成功地帮助伦敦赢得2012年奥运会的主办权。



感谢樊克明(Graham Fink)先生接受顶尖文案TOPYS的专访。


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