

谁将在Martin Sorrell之后, 执掌这家全球第2大广告传播集团呢?



短小精悍的Martin Sorrell自1985年离开彼时处于颠峰时期的Saatchi & Saatchi,购入当时与广告行业八竿子打不着的上市公司“Wire and Plastic Products”,而后更名为“WPP”,而后,这位前财务总监展开其辉煌的“购物之旅”,成功地把广告历史上众多赫赫有名的公司纳入旗下--奥美(Ogilvy &Mather)、智威汤逊(J.Walter Tompson)、扬雅(Young & Rubicam),达彼斯(Ted Bates)以及精信集团(Grey)。目前已经成为拥有80000多雇员的年营业额过百亿美金的全球第2家集团。这位剑桥和哈佛双料经济学硕士也被认为是英国最成功的商人之一,而且凭借其突出的商业成就获得英国王室授以“爵士”封号。

尽管目前Martin Sorrell依旧精力充沛,没有要退休的意思,但是股东们还是希望其能够尽早明确继承人。目前比较可能的潜在人选包括集团财务总监Paul Richardson以及奥美全球首席执行官Shelly Lazarus女士。


"Now i still on top", yah, SIR

Paul Richardson
Finance director, WPP Group

Paul Richardson became Group finance director in 1996 after four years as director of treasury. He is responsible for the Group's worldwide functions in finance, information technology, procurement and property. Previously with the central finance team of Hanson PLC, he is a non-executive director of Chime Communications PLC and STW Communications Group Limited in Australia.

Shelly Lazarus
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

Shelly started at Ogilvy when the agency's legendary founder, David Ogilvy, still walked the halls, and preached that the purpose of advertising is to build great brands. David Ogilvy was ahead of his time in his belief that the best way to build brands was to pair big creative ideas with deep consumer insight. But it made sense to Shelly, who had studied psychology as an undergraduate at Smith College and then earned an M.B.A. in marketing from Columbia University (one of only four women in her class).

That she would attain the Chairmanship of Ogilvy was certainly not a foregone conclusion given Shelly's rather unconventional path. After rising through the ranks of account management and playing a pivotal role on many of the agency's signature accounts - including American Express, Kraft and Unilever ?Shelly took the surprising step of leaving the general agency to become the General Manager for Ogilvy & Mather Direct in the US. Her success there led to positions of increasing responsibility, from President of Ogilvy & Mather Advertising in New York (1991), to President of Ogilvy North America (1994), to Chief Operating Officer and President of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide (1995). She was then named CEO in 1996, and became Chairman in 1997.

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