VITAE:Trashbin cuisine 媒体创意



In Lisbon adhesives where placed at the interior of hundreds of trashbins with the image of a beggar, located as he was searching throughout garbage.
The action was created for the Vitae, the biggest shelter of the Europe, and started in the week of the Christmas. The campaign was a such a success that it is continued all during the month of January.
When launched, the trashbins had been placed in crowded streets. Volunteers, including celebrities, had been located close to these points and, when perceiving the surprise of the public, delivered flyers and tell them about the work that Vitae develops.

Copy: Ajude. Para que ninguém faça a Ceia de Natal.
Help. So that anyone will need to do their Christmas dinner here.
After Christmas this line is changed in:
Ajude. Para que ninguém tenha que procurar comida aqui. Help. So that anyone will need to search for food in here.
Agency McCann Portugal
Thanks Vitor for translating   

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