从他们发送的DM中你可以学习到,心脏的声音可以来自一张不断打开、收起的纸片,骨头断掉的声音源于一把意面,而一个订书机就可以制造枪响……收到这些DM的广告公司同仁们,除了玩得不亦乐乎,应该也会很buy Zeeg2这句口号:现在你知道心跳的声音是怎么来的了,其余的声音就交给我们吧!
Many commercials instigate curiosity about the sounds we hear and how they are produced. After all, the triggering of a gun doesn’t necessarily mean the commercial protagonists are holding one. For instance, when we hear a heart beating, people are not all connected to appliances to enhance the sound of their heartbeats. From this idea, Zeeg2, a sound producer, decided to demystify and show how some sound effects are artificially made. The company sent by mail an interactive kit for people to handle and reproduce the sounds we hear in advertisements. The action’s creation is signed by DDB Brasil.
Advertising Agency: DDB, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato, Wilson Mateos, Luciano Lincoln, Guilherme Jahara
Creatives: Ricardo Salgado, Rafael Voltolino, Fernando Pereira
Account Supervisors: Maristela Pati Correa, Tania Pena, Maria Helena Addesso